Jacinta's internet guide to being less of a sad-sack
If you are sad, you should stop being sad and just be happy.
To help, I have provided below a list of 9 things on the internet that inspire me or make me laugh when I feel sad-faced. I assume everyone else is exactly like me ... you know, in an ignorant, narcissistic kind of way... so I actually believe it should work a treat for you also. Makes sense + you are welcome. Insert smiley face here.
Laugh out loud
1. Eddie Izzard (comedian). His standup routines to animated lego are all time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv5iEK-IEzw Check out ‘Death star canteen’, ‘Cake or death’ and ‘Flags’.
2. Bill Bailey (comedian) - ok, you need to watch him. He makes me cry with laughter. He’s also crazy intelligent and often, I learn random things from his standup routines which doubles as prep for trivia nights.
3. David Thorne. He was second in line to marry me. Oh if only he knew he would’ve been on that plane. He’s a blogger. I read this at night when I can’t sleep and lose my shit. He is a genius and I wish to be best friends with him. http://www.27bslash6.com
4. Seinfeld. Most things in my life has already occurred on an episode of Seinfeld. Is your baby the ugly baby? You will never know.
Learn some shit or feel guilted into doing something cool yourself
5. TED talks. They are the best. Look up the most popular ones or check out a genre you are interested in. www.ted.com My personal favourite is one by Chimamanda Adichie called ‘The single story’. I listen to these in my car on the way to work. Makes going to work a bloody pleasure (sort of).
6. Australian story. I just like hearing people’s amazing stories...not only glamorous, famous people (that’s enough now Kim) but ordinary people who have done or experienced extraordinary things. http://www.abc.net.au/austory/programs/default.htm
7. Marie Colvin. American journalist who worked for the British newspaper ‘The Sunday Times’ as a foreign correspondent in scary, war-torn places and basically a modern day heroine. She died so that’s sad BUT she lived hard and I think that’s awesome http://www.vanityfair.com/news/politics/2012/08/marie-colvin-private-war
8. Podcasts. So I think you might as well be learning while you’re driving. Some great ones are ‘Big Ideas’, ‘Death, Sex and Money’ ‘Ted’, ‘Medical education (haha dude, I’m joking… I’m certain this one won’t be your thing). Check out stuff you’re interested in and get enlightened on your way to work.
9. Find good books (so you can get the eff off the internet). You know those ones where you feel sad and empty when they end because you feel like you know the characters, as if they are your friends. Nettie from ‘The colour purple’ by Alice Walker was basically my best friend when I was young (um…did someone say Nigel No Friends?).
Julien Smith (best selling author) has a great blog post about 200 books he has read and he reviewed them very honestly (Thanks Christy for this tip). So far I agree and his reviews save you wasting time on rubbish http://inoveryourhead.net/lessons-i-learned-reading-over-200-books/ ...I’d also add ‘The Colour Purple’, ‘Wild Swans’ and ‘Long walk to Freedom’ to your reading list...simply because they are bloody excellent.